Shipping Policy
Shipping & Delivery
How fast will I get my order?
Production times are listed for every item on the site. This is the number of business days it takes to print your item with a single color imprint after you’ve approved your artwork. The number of days for delivery depends on the shipping method you choose. As part of the online order process we show you the shipping charges for ground, 2-day and next day shipment. If you need an item faster than the production time shown or if you have any questions contact us – we love a challenge and would be happy to help!
Can I split my order and ship to multiple locations?
Sure! Just let your Customer Care Representative know (you’ll get an e-mail from them shortly after you place your order!) and they’ll be happy to assist.
Can I ship internationally?
In many cases yes. It’s best to work with our Customer Care team on this as each case is a bit different. Please contact us!
Can I ship on my own shipping account?
Yes. Just let your Customer Care Representative know (you’ll get an e-mail from them shortly after you place your order!) and they’ll be happy to help.
Our Guarantee
You must be completely satisfied with your order. If not, we will gladly refund your money or replace any item ordered by Internet, mail or phone within 30 days of delivery. Personalized items are not returnable.